Amendments to the Trade Union Act 1959 & Collective Bargaining-Inclusive of relevant amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967
The Trade Unions (Amendment) Act 2023 was passed by the Dewan Rakyat on 10th Oct 2023, the Dewan Negara on 28th Nov 2023, received the Royal Assent on 27th Dec 2023 and gazetted on 12th Jan 2024. It comes into operation on a date to be appointed by the Minister of Human Resources (MHR) by notification in the Gazette.
Once the TU (Amendment) Act 2023 comes into force, there are significant changes to the trade union recognition landscape, allowing multiplicity of unions in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak catering for employees in Managerial, Executive, Confidential, Security or Non-Executive (bargainable) capacities. Post TUAA 2023, the definition of a “trade union” is amended to allow trade unions to be established across trade, occupation or industry giving rise to “multiplicity” of unions within an organisation. Post TUAA 2023, recognition claims are no longer governed by competence of the union, but rather, by the union’s scope of membership, and must be in accordance with the constitution of the trade union. Where such a union has majority support of employees in their respective capacity, the DG of IR shall decide that recognition be accorded to the union concerned – Sec. 9 (5) IRAA 2020.
Post TUAA 2023 and IRAA 2020, where there are more than one union in an organisation, the union having the majority of support for a category of workmen (or class of workmen) shall have “sole bargaining rights” under Sec. 12A IRAA 2020 to negotiate the CA. One other significant change post TUAA 2023 pertains to the lowered threshold requirement for a trade union to organise a strike. Firstly, the union must obtain at least 60% votes from members who are entitled to vote via secret ballot, and secondly, at least 50% plus one of the votes are in favour of the proposed strike. Currently, the requirements for a union to organise a strike is to obtain the consent via secret ballot of at least 2/3rds of the total number of members entitled to vote.
Course Outline
The half day highlights the provisions of the IRAA 2020 which have since been operational w.e.f. 1st Jan 2021, and the provisions of the said IR amendments on union recognition claims, sole bargaining rights and CA deadlock or disputes that were held in abeyance pending the coming into force of the TUAA 2023. Implications to both employers and trade unions are highlighted and discussed with participants attending the forum, to prepare them for the above changes once the TUAA 2023 and relevant provisions of the IRAA 2020 come into force.
Also covered in the seminar is a basic overview of the collective bargaining process and salient points for companies to consider with a view to promoting efficiency, stability and equity at the workplace.
Programme Details
Date: 8 October 2024, Tuesday
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm (breakfast starts at 8.30am)
Admission Price: RM97.00* (material, certification & meal)
Speaker : Dato’ Dr. Lim Weng Khuan
*This a Non-HRD Corp Claimable programme.
Malaysia HR Forum Academy
Level 12, Menara PKNS, Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
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About The Trainer
Dato’ Dr. Lim Weng Khuan

Dato’ Dr. Lim was an ex-Investigating Officer attached to the Commercial Crimes Division of the Royal Malaysia Police. He has more than 32 years of handson experience in Human Resources and Industrial Relations serving in companies that include Maybank, Lion Group, Hong Leong Group, F&N Group, HSBC Bank and Tan Chong Group. He is currently a member of the Industrial Court Panel representing employers (7 terms), a Council member of MEF (3 terms) and serving as a member of the National Labour Advisory Council (NLAC) for 6years. He is an active trainer on employment laws of Malaysia and various topics in HR Strategy and Human Resource Management, and had trained more than 3,000 employees from 1,500 over companies in Malaysia in the last 2 decades.