Gambaran Keseluruhan Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pindaan) 2022 & Keperluan Penyelaras KKP
Overview of Occupational Safety and Health Act (Amendment) 2022 & The Requirements of OSH Coordinator
Modul ini menyediakan penerokaan mendalam mengenai pindaan yang dibuat kepada Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (AKKP) 2022, dengan fokus kepada perubahan signifikan dan implikasinya terhadap keselamatan di tempat kerja. Peserta akan memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai tujuan di sebalik pindaan ini, termasuk rasional untuk memansuhkan Akta 139 dan penambahbaikan yang diperkenalkan dalam Akta 514. Modul ini juga akan merangkumi Seksyen 29A yang baharu, yang mewajibkan pelantikan Penyelaras Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP), dengan perincian mengenai peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka, terutamanya dalam perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS).
Selain daripada perubahan perundangan, modul ini menekankan kepentingan latihan untuk Penyelaras KKP, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Seksyen 31A yang baharu. Seksyen ini memperkenalkan kursus latihan wajib yang direka untuk melengkapkan Penyelaras KKP dengan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mengurus keselamatan tempat kerja dengan berkesan. Modul ini juga akan membincangkan penalti yang meningkat untuk ketidakpatuhan, pencegahan ‘Deterrent Effect’ dan potensi akibat kegagalan mematuhi peraturan yang dipinda. Peserta akan mempelajari tentang impak perubahan ini terhadap keselamatan tempat kerja dan manfaat keseluruhan mempunyai Penyelaras KKP yang berdedikasi.
Modul ini juga akan menyelami aspek praktikal pelaksanaan Penyelaras KKP dalam PKS, meneliti kelayakan, tugas, dan kelebihan yang mereka bawa ke tempat kerja. Dengan memahami keperluan khusus dan manfaat Penyelaras KKP, peserta akan lebih bersedia untuk meningkatkan tahap keselamatan dalam organisasi mereka. Integrasi Penyelaras KKP ke dalam sistem MyKKP juga akan dibincangkan, memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai peranan mereka dalam mengekalkan keakuran dan mempromosikan budaya keselamatan.
Pada akhir seminar ini, peserta akan dapat:
Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pindaan) 2022:
- Memahami pindaan utama yang dibuat kepada Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 2022, termasuk rasional di sebalik perubahan ini.
- Mengenal pasti kesan penalti yang meningkat dan kesan pencegahan terhadap pematuhan keselamatan tempat kerja.
- Menilai akibat ketidakpindaan dan penambahbaikan keseluruhan yang diperkenalkan dalam AKKP yang dipinda.
Keperluan Penyelaras KKP:
- Mengenal pasti keperluan dan tanggungjawab baharu Penyelaras KKP seperti yang diwajibkan oleh AKKP yang dipinda.
- Mengiktiraf kepentingan latihan dan kelayakan untuk Penyelaras KKP bagi mengurus keselamatan tempat kerja dengan berkesan.
- Melaksanakan peranan Penyelaras KKP dalam PKS, memahami tugas mereka dan manfaat yang dibawa ke tempat kerja.
Seminar ini penting untuk pemimpin PKS, Pegawai Keselamatan, profesional HR, dan semua pihak bertanggungjawab yang berkaitan yang ingin memastikan pematuhan dengan peraturan AKKP yang dikemas kini.
This module provides an in-depth exploration of the amendments made to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 2022, focusing on the significant changes and their implications for workplace safety. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the purpose behind these amendments, including the rationale for repealing Act 139 and the enhancements introduced in Act 514. The module will also cover the new Section 29A, which mandates the appointment of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Coordinators, detailing their roles and responsibilities, particularly in small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
In addition to the legislative changes, the module emphasizes the importance of training for OSH Coordinators, as outlined in the new Section 31A. This section introduces mandatory training courses designed to equip OSH Coordinators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage workplace safety. The module will also discuss the increased penalties for non-compliance, highlighting their deterrent effect and the potential consequences of failing to adhere to the amended regulations. Participants will learn about the impact of these changes on workplace safety and the overall benefits of having a dedicated OSH Coordinator.
The module will also delve into the practical aspects of implementing OSH Coordinators in SMEs, examining their qualifications, duties, and the advantages they bring to the workplace. By understanding the specific requirements and benefits of OSH Coordinators, participants will be better equipped to enhance safety standards within their organizations. The integration of OSH Coordinators into the MyKKP system will also be covered, providing a comprehensive overview of their role in maintaining compliance and promoting a culture of safety.
By the end of the seminar, participants will:
Occupational Safety and Health Act (Amendment) 2022:
- Understand the key amendments made to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2022, including the rationale behind these changes.
- Recognize the impact of increased penalties and the deterrent effect on workplace safety compliance.
- Assess the consequences of non-amendment and the overall improvements introduced in the amended OSHA.
The Requirements of OSH Coordinator:
- Identify the new requirements and responsibilities of OSH Coordinators as mandated by the amended Act.
- Recognize the importance of training and qualifications for OSH Coordinators to effectively manage workplace safety.
- Implement the role of OSH Coordinators within SMEs, understanding their duties and the benefits they bring to the workplace.
Targeted Participants
Seminar ini penting untuk Pengurusan Tertinggi, Pengurus, kakitangan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan, profesional HR, dan semua pihak yang berkaitan yang ingin memastikan akur dengan peraturan AKKP yang dikemaskini.
This seminar is essential for Top Management, Managers, Occupational Safety and Health Personnel, HR professionals and all relevant PIC seeking to stay compliant with the updated OSHA regulations.
Course outline
Module 1: Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pindaan) 2022
- Tujuan Pindaan Akta 514 & Pemansuhan Akta 139
- Penambahbaikan dalam Pindaan AKKP
- Seksyen Baharu 29a – Penyelaras Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
- Keperluan Latihan KKP - Seksyen Baharu 31a Kursus Latihan
- Peningkatan Penalti - Deterrent Effect
- Impak sekiranya Akta Tidak Dipinda
Module 2: Penyelaras KKP
- Senario KKP Di Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana (PKS)
- Pelaksanaan Penyelaras KKP
- Keperluan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan (KKP) Di Sektor Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana (PKS)
- Kelayakan Penyelaras KKP
- Tanggungjawab Penyelaras KKP
- Kelebihan Penyelaras KKP
- Penyelaras KKP di MyKKP
- Modul Kursus Penyelaras KKP
Module 1: Occupational Safety and Health Act (Amendment) 2022
- Purpose of Amending Act 514 & Repeal of Act 139
- Improvements in the Amended OSHA
- New Section 29A – Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator
- Training Requirements - New Section 31A Training Courses
- Increased Penalties - Deterrent Effect
- Impact if the Act is Not Amended
Module 2: OSH Coordinator
- OSH Scenario in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
- Implementation of OSH Coordinator
- Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Requirements in the SME Sector
- Qualifications of OSH Coordinator
- Responsibilities of OSH Coordinator
- Advantages of OSH Coordinator
- OSH Coordinator in MyKKP
- OSH Coordinator Course Module
Course Modules:
Programme Details
Date: 21 February 2025, Friday
Time: 9.00am-1.00pm (Breakfast starts at 8.30am)
Admission Price: RM67.00* (Material & meals)
Speaker: Ms. Malini Tayaparan
Language: Bahasa Malaysia
*This is a Non-HRD Corp Claimable programme
Malaysia HR Forum Academy
Level 12, Menara PKNS, Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
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About The Trainer
Ms. Malini Tayaparan

Madam Malini Tayaparan is a highly experienced Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) professional, with over 17 years of expertise across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, and construction.
She holds a master’s degree in OSH Management and is a registered Safety and Health Officer (Green Book) with DOSH. Her credentials are further complemented by her HRD Corp – Accredited Trainer (TTT) status since 2017, as well as certifications as a Thermal Energy Technologist (Level 1 & 2) from UTM in 2021 and an Ergonomic Risk Assessor (Level 1 & 2) since 2018.
Her expertise spans various areas, including ISO certifications, HIRARC, and certification as a Certified Environmental Professional in Scheduled Waste Management (DOE). She is also an IRCA-accredited Lead Auditor for ISO 45001 (OHS), ISO 14001 (EMS), and ISO 9001 (QMS), with experience in conducting local and international audits and training.
An active contributor to NGOs such as MOSHPA and MEPA, she has received numerous awards recognizing her excellence in OSH practices.