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Malaysia HR Forum Facebook Update

πŸ”Š Missed our previous podcast on “‘Fireside Chat: Unveiling Industrial Relations Issues with our Experts”? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

In case you couldn’t make it, or if you want to revisit the insightful discussion, we’ve uploaded the full video on our YouTube channel.

Anyone interested in IR issues πŸ”— Link to the Full Webinar: https://youtu.be/LOVJNuALQSk

WhatsApp us for more details! https://wa.link/dzpbap

All our training is 100% HRDC claimable (SBL-KHAS SCHEME)

#IndustrialRelations #Podcast #HumanResources #professionaldevelopment
Leading People | Leading Organisations

🌐 malaysiahrforum.com or email us at: sophie@malaysiahrforum.com

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