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Malaysia HR Forum Facebook Update – 2023-10-03T07:18:51+0000


πŸ“’ TODAY ❗❗❗

Are you confused about what truly constitutes your earnings?

πŸ€” Unravel the complexities of wages, salaries, and compensation structures in our upcoming webinar.

Join us as we address the common challenges of understanding the definition of wages in today’s ever-evolving job market. Let’s tackle this together!

3️⃣ Understanding The Definition of Wages
πŸ—“οΈ 3 October, 2023
πŸ•°οΈ 3:00pm – 4:30pm

Register: http://malaysiahrforum.com/webinar-understanding-the-definition-of-wages/#register

WhatsApp us to know more: https://wa.link/dzpbap

🌐 malaysiahrforum.com or email us at: sophie@malaysiahrforum.com

#PerformanceImprovement #ProfessionalDevelopment #AskArul #WebinarSeries

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