HR minister: Foreign worker recruitment interview can be held at state Labour Dept

HR minister: Foreign worker recruitment interview can be held at state Labour Dept Wednesday, 05 Oct 2022 9:19 PM MYT PUTRAJAYA, Oct 5 — Interview sessions for the recruitment of foreign workers by the Human Resource Ministry (KSM) can be held at the Department of Labour (JTK) in each state and not just in Putrajaya, […]
Majority of Malaysian employees have second source of income to make ends meet

Majority of Malaysian employees have second source of income to make ends meet October 07, 2022 07:30 am +08 by Surin Murugiah KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 7): More than half of Malaysian knowledge workers (66%) have taken on a secondary source of income, as the seek additional means to alleviate financial pressures. In a poll by […]