

A major benefit of an in-house training course is that it offers the opportunity to customise aspects of the course to be more specific to your organisation and your challenges.

We tailor-make and deliver the required modules according to the company’s needs which will be consistent with your own needs so that you can relate the learning points covered to the real work more readily.

In addition to tailoring an existing course to meet your requirements more closely, we can also develop custom-made courses. With such a course, we design a training session from scratch with your input which means you can decide on duration, content, delivery modes, timings, and other variables.

Malaysia HR Forum facilitators are highly engaged, by providing positive and productive structure to the day. Their excellent feedbacks and insights were valueable to our company.


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Lead Motivate and Inspire

Course Description

The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

This two day activity based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical leadership success factors of strong leadership that will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize and inspire them to their full potential to achieve extraordinary things.

How To Manage and Influence your team to Success

Course Description

Many new managers expect to have power, to be in control, and to be personally responsible for departmental outcomes. A big surprise for many people when they first become a manager is that they are much less in control of things than they expected. Managers depend on subordinates more than the reverse, and they are evaluated on the work of other people rather than on their own work.

The nature of management is to motivate and coordinate others to cope with diverse and far-reaching challenges. Managers set up the conditions that help other people perform well. In the past, many managers did exercise tight control over employees. But the field of management is undergoing a revolution that asks managers to do more with less, to engage whole employees, to see change rather than stability as natural, and to inspire vision.

The purpose of this influencing skills training is to focus on understanding, developing, and adapting influencing styles to best suit individual situations. We will be looking at your behaviours and influencing style, how to adapt this to different situations and at those around you and how we can approach situations where people have different styles and different levels of commitment to what you would like to influence them to do.

How to Build High Performance Teams

Course Description

A highly engaging two-day training program packed with a plethora of fun activities and games focusing on the key characteristics of high performing teams. The high energy training program will help you equip members of a team with the essential skill set and mind set to be a professional team player in a high performing team in which every individual takes responsibility to be productive, proactive and reliable the agile way.

The training program will help you create a more professional, dynamic, effective work team that enjoys the work environment and consistently achieves more.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Course Description

This highly interactive workshop introduces a variety of creative solution generation and decision-making techniques. Participants will develop the skills necessary to analyze a problem, generate creative solutions, and decide which solution most closely matches their needs.

After practicing the new tools and techniques, participants will apply them on an interesting case study. The case study presented at the beginning of class will take participants back to ancient Egypt where as a team they have to solve a problem otherwise the Pharaoh will be very angry.

Conflict Resolution

Course Description

Conflict is inevitable. Everyone has had them and will probably have them in the future. This two-day training program presents tool and techniques so participants can more confidently deal with workplace conflict. The program explores the definition of conflict and presents how conflict situations can have positive outcomes. Participants will practice a conflict resolution process to successfully handle workplace conflict and will learn common tactics, counter tactics, and games used in conflict resolutions. confidently deal with workplace conflict.

The program explores the definition of conflict and presents how conflict situations can have positive outcomes. Participants will practice a conflict resolution process to successfully handle workplace conflict and will learn common tactics, counter tactics, and games used in conflict resolutions.

Managing Change

Course Description

Successfully managing change involves taking concrete steps to make change more palatable by understanding people’s hesitation, enlisting the help of others, setting up plans, and dealing with stressors. These steps can also ensure that desired changes are implemented successfully.

Successfully Managing Change courseware and training materials are designed for everyone in the workplace who needs a one-day course that teaches how to manage and cope with change and how to help those around them.

A Strong Leader: Next Level Of Leadership

Course Description

In many organisations, leaders have been tackling a challenge: coaching people to stop focusing on me and start focusing on HOW to Build Better Teams. Showing the way to share operational ownership & how each employee fits into the workplace – this is the vital key for organisational and a leader’s success.

Be an Influential and Persuasive Leader

Course Description

Leaders need to have influencing skills and be persuasive to their followers to help realised organisation goals. By having the foresight to realise the future with good strategic management skills, being able to engage their people through effective influencing, persuasion, and coaching skill, and having the necessary guts to deliver results using Performance Management techniques, these leaders will have the competitive advantage to lead their organisation.

Practical Supervisory Skills

Course Description

Is an effective communicator, problem-solver, and employee motivator. In order to be a good leader and get the most out of all of your employees, you need to have insight into their strengths and developmental needs. You also need to be able to set and deliver a clear set of expectations and goals.

This course will give you the essential skills of being a practical and effective supervisor.

Leadership Development Program (LDP)

Course Description

Good Leaders Aspire, Great Leaders Achieve: The Ultimatum in Leadership Development.”

Empower your leadership journey with our comprehensive Leadership Development Program (LDP). Elevate your skills and knowledge, fostering excellence in leadership at every level. Join us to embark on a transformational learning experience.

Key Features:

  • Rigorous curriculum tailored to the five levels of Good to Great leadership.
  • Mentorship opportunities with accomplished leaders.
  • Hands-on learning and practical application of leadership concepts.
  • Personalized coaching for each participant’s unique development needs.

Key Messaging:

  • Transformational Leadership: Our program excels in its capacity to elevate aspiring leaders into outstanding ones.
  • Innovative Pedagogy: We pride ourselves on our distinctive approach that seamlessly integrates theory with hands-on practical application.

Inclusivity and Diversity:

  • Our program attracts a diverse array of participants from various industries, fostering a rich and dynamic learning environment.

Book our Leadership Programme


Career Advancement


Career Strategy Planning

Course Description

The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

This two day activity based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical leadership success factors of strong leadership that will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize and inspire them to their full potential to achieve extraordinary things.

Falcon Mind Career Transition

Course Description

Falcon Mind Career Transition Program is based on working with a client that wants to look for a new job and is struggling to update their personal profile. We help clients with their Personal branding for transiting their career smoothly so that they are able to look for jobs. We will work with clients on few key points such as resume, interview and elevator pitch, and the basic LinkedIn profile update.

We ensure that our coaches will spend total quality time with the client to understand their pain point of not getting a job and work with the client to accomplish getting interviews.

Besides working on your career transition program, we will work with your career goals as well if there are goals that you feel you like to work with.

Coaching People for Better Performance

Course Description

In this two-day interactive training program, participants will learn a structured process that will enable them to systematically develop their people and unlock their potential to improve their performance.

Participants will learn through a series of hands-on activities, and practice two different coaching models (Continuous support coaching model & GROW coaching model) enabling them to turn work experienced problems into learning situations.


Course Description

This highly interactive workshop introduces a variety of creative solution generation and decision-making techniques. Participants will develop the skills necessary to analyze a problem, generate creative solutions, and decide which solution most closely matches their needs.

After practicing the new tools and techniques, participants will apply them on an interesting case study. The case study presented at the beginning of class will take participants back to ancient Egypt where as a team they have to solve a problem otherwise the Pharaoh will be very angry.

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Communications with Clarity

Course Description

This high energy one day program is designed to focus on the foundation communication skills: listening, asking insightful questions, and recognizing the power non-verbal communication. Participants will learn how to build rapport using simple NLP techniques such as pacing and leading which can translate into positive results.

Participants will learn how to combine voice tone, body language with language that engages others. Using a four-point communications model, participant will be able to communicate their messages more clearly, confidently, and effectively.

Presenting with Impact

Course Description

How often have you had to endure a presentation where the presenter just gave a lecture while you were expected to passively listen and perhaps take notes? Most people think this style does not really teach, inspire, or motivate an audience. If the only purpose of your presentation is to transfer information, you are better off distributing it in a handout/email and canceling the event.

An effective presentation aims to change the audience and get them to think or act differently. The presenter should be able to engage them with a clear, focused message, logical arguments, and compelling visuals. Add a passionate delivery that evokes emotions, and your presentation is sure to impact your audience forcefully.

This two-day program provides a guiding framework to teach others how to design, develop, and deliver compelling, high impact presentations. Participants will learn simple, innovative concepts they can apply throughout the design and delivery process. Additionally, participants will review how to structure presentations, research content, create impactful visuals and enhance their delivery skills.

Negotiating for Results

Course Description

This two-day workshop is focused on setting in place principles for the development of robust negotiation skills. It will provide you with tools to promote effective negotiation communications and gives you techniques for turning face-to-face confrontation into side-by-side problem solving.

Time Management

Course Description

Through self-analysis/discovery activities and several hands-on exercises, participants learn how to manage themselves. By first taking an analytical look at their current use of time, participants learn to use tools and techniques to set goals, plan, prioritize, and delegate. They will also explore how to manage their relations with others when it’s related to time management. This high energy course equips participants with what they need to be in control of their time rather than being in the control of other people, events, and interruptions.

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Customer Service


Vision Energy and Passion to Serve

Course Description

Always putting your customer at the center of your business creates a service driven culture. The best and most successful businesses clearly understood this fact.

This two day customer service training course will motivate participants to becoming more customer focused and more passionate about delivering outstanding service by understanding the logical and emotional motivations of a customer to buy or continue using a service. participants will learn how to become more flexible communicators who are able to engage better with customers, portray energy, commitment and ownership in each customer interaction.This two day program will energize your staff to deliver world class service that leaves customers with a lasting positive impression.

Find a Way to Say Yes

Course Description

This fun high energy two day call center customer service excellence program combines the best in corporate training with the best in personal motivation. Throughout the training program agents discover that it’s truly up to them to make a difference and that each agent is directly responsible for the success of the business.

The program focuses not only on the people but also on the skill set agents need to connect better with customers and provide an exceptional customer experience through empathy and taking ownership of customer’s issues, using customer centric strategies to solve business challenges promoting customer loyalty and building customer centric bridges.

Setting Others Up for Success

Course Description

This workshop was designed to help staff improve collaboration with colleagues and other internal customers as a keystone for improving their performance in today’s competitive workplace environment. Using a self-assessment tool, participants discover their dominant communication style and learn how to adapt that style to work more effectively with others.

The course will help participants improve their communication skills, make good first impressions, set the right expectations, manage themselves, and build collaboration skills. After attending this workshop, participants will be able to work more effectively with colleagues and team members.

Pathways to Service Excellence

Course Description

The best learning experiences occur when you learn specific concepts, then practice them during the training and walk out with a solid technique you can apply the next day on the job. In this training we will do just that. We will learn the concepts, followed up by numerous hands-on practical activities to practice the skills so you walk out with specific best practice customer service techniques that are essential for you as a professional customer service representative to help you do an even better job than you are currently doing.

So, if you want to get even better customer feedback, provide great customer experience and consequently achieve more sales than last year this training program is very much for you.

Customer Service: Soft Skills Fundamentals

Course Description

The best learning experiences occur when you learn specific concepts, then practice them during the training and walk out with a solid technique you can apply the next day on the job. In this training we will do just that. We will learn the concepts, followed up by numerous hands-on practical activities to practice the skills so you walk out with specific best practice customer service techniques that are essential for you as a professional customer service representative to help you do an even better job than you are currently doing.

So, if you want to get even better customer feedback, provide great customer experience and consequently achieve more sales than last year this training program is very much for you.

Book Our Customer Service Programme


Leadership Retreat


Team Building

Course Description

High-performance leadership teams are the heart of successful organizations, but functioning in a cohesive way can be challenging due to the myriad issues leaders face: time pressures, inflated egos, differences in personalities, lack of alignment, communication issues, conflicting strategic priorities, etc. To counterbalance these challenges, high-performing leadership teams commit to finding opportunities such as leadership retreats to continually develop their capabilities, address important team issues, and discover ways to build and sustain a high level of performance.

Leadership retreats enable leaders to get aligned, focused, and committed to excellence and shared goals. Each leadership retreat is tailored to address the distinct dynamics and critical business issues of the leadership team.

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Digital Marketing Zero To Hero – Become an Authority in Digital Marketing

Course Description

This course is designed for entry to the intermediate level, for sales & marketing personnel who need basic skills in digital marketing or business owners who all the while using conventional marketing, and required basic skills in digital marketing for his/her business transformation. This course includes Google marketing techniques as well as Optimizing Google My Business listing which is best for Local SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Business Marketing

Course Description

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results. Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) course will teach you everything you need to know to rank your website on Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

Mastering the Power BI Key Fundamentals

Course Description

Microsoft Power BI is a suite of interactive data visualisation business analytics tools that deliver insights throughout your organization. You can use Power BI to connect to hundreds of data sources, simplify data prep, and drive ad hoc analysis. It produces beautiful reports, then publishes them for your organization to consume on the web and across mobile devices. Everyone can create personalised dashboards with a unique, 360-degree view of their business. And scale across the enterprise, with governance and security built-in.

Microsoft Power Automate Essential

Course Description

Microsoft Power Automate is an excellent tool to help you streamline repetitive tasks and processes in your work day like creating automated workflows between your favourite apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more. Automate actions across email, Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and various productivity or social media platforms. This course will teach you the basics of Microsoft Power Automated.

The Ultimate Excel VBA Programme

Course Description

This Microsoft Excel course shows you how to use a combination of Microsoft Excel and VBA to increase your productivity, add power and flexibility to spreadsheets, automate processes, and improve user interaction. Intermediate to advance knowledge of Microsoft Excel is required for this course. Programming knowledge is NOT required. This Microsoft Excel VBA training course is designed for users who wish to learn how to use the inbuilt programming language in Microsoft Excel to enhance their worksheets and automate processes to increase productivity. The knowledge and skill gained from this course can be applied to MS-Excel 2003, MS-Excel 2007, MS-Excel 2010 and MS-Excel 2013.

MS Excel (Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced)

Course Description

This Microsoft Excel course shows you how to use a combination of Microsoft Excel and VBA to increase your productivity, adding power and flexibility to spreadsheets, automating processes and improving user interaction. Intermediate to advance knowledge of Microsoft Excel is required for this course. Programming knowledge is NOT required. This Microsoft Excel VBA training course is designed for users who wish to learn how to use the inbuilt programming language in Microsoft Excel to enhance their worksheets and automate processes to increase productivity. The knowledge and skill gained from this course can be applied to MS-Excel 2003, MS-Excel 2007, MS-Excel 2010, and MS-Excel 2013.

MS Word (Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced)

Course Description

Microsoft Word is a software that helps create documents and complete functions that relate to word processing. This software is commonly used to create, edit, and format written documents and is used in many settings. Learning how to use this software will be an asset to your workplace, your school work, and many other areas which require knowledge of creating and using documents as well as word processing.

MS Project (Level 1 & Level 2)

Course Description

Microsoft Word is a software that helps create documents and complete functions that relate to word processing. This software is commonly used to create, edit, and format written documents and is used in many settings. Learning how to use this software will be an asset to your workplace, your school work, and many other areas which require knowledge of creating and using documents as well as word processing.

Building a Professional Business Website Using WordPress

Course Description

This WordPress for the Business training course is for anyone who wants to learn how to fast and easy to create a professional business website, specifically designed to take you from zero to a professional-looking website that you can use to market your business online.

Design Like A Pro Using Canva

Course Description

This course is for people who are new to graphic design and who want to self-learn graphic designing and will guide you step by step to becoming a Canva Expert. In this module, you will learn the key elements of design theory, design a Brand Style Guide, hands-on practical examples, as well as tips and tricks of Canva. At the completion of this course, you will be able to use Canva to create web, social media, videos, corporate presentations, and business proposals in your daily tasks.

Lead Generation Using Social Media Marketing

Course Description

This course is entry to the intermediate level, for sales & marketing personnel who need basic skills in social media marketing or business owners who want to learn how to leverage social media to bring more organic traffic to the business.

Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Course Description

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is one of the most popular entry-level Google Career Certifications to pursue and start a career in the IT industry. This training program provides the skills you need for an introductory-level job in IT support, with no relevant experience required. This program is designed to take beginner learners to job readiness in 8-12 months.

Basic Training on IREV 4.0

Course Description

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is one of the most popular entry-level Google Career Certifications to pursue and start a career in the IT industry. This training program provides the skills you need for an introductory-level job in IT support, with no relevant experience required. This program is designed to take beginner learners to job readiness in 8-12 months.

Cyber Security Fundamentals Workshop

Course Description

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is one of the most popular entry-level Google Career Certifications to pursue and start a career in the IT industry. This training program provides the skills you need for an introductory-level job in IT support, with no relevant experience required. This program is designed to take beginner learners to job readiness in 8-12 months.

Mastering the Essentials of Project Management

Course Description

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is one of the most popular entry-level Google Career Certifications to pursue and start a career in the IT industry. This training program provides the skills you need for an introductory-level job in IT support, with no relevant experience required. This program is designed to take beginner learners to job readiness in 8-12 months.

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Leadership Excellence Advancement Programme (LEAP)

Course Description

Many leaders are struggling to maintain their leadership excellence, and are often not aware of the warning signs that it’s about to fail.

If leaders don’t take the time to maintain their leadership excellence, they put themselves at a huge disadvantage! Imagine a scenario where your company is about to hire a new leader and you are in charge of training them. Now imagine that they don’t know how to avoid common pitfalls in the industry, and they keep making mistakes. Worse still, they don’t even realize that it’s taking a toll on their success…

The Leadership Excellence Advancement Program (LEAP) is a course offering that consists of four modules filled with leadership points, lessons, and helpful resources to help you learn what it takes to be a great leader. LEAP is designed by an industry veteran and entrepreneur, who wanted to help other future leaders succeed. LEAP provides engaging mentors, practical examples, and opportunities for one-on-one feedback.

The Art of Negotiations

Course Description

Negotiations are a difficult and stressful process to go through. It’s hard to know where to start, how to approach a negotiation, or what skills to use; it can be nerve-wracking.

Successful negotiations are the foundation of a healthy and productive business relationship. But with so much at stake, it’s easy for negotiations to fall apart and cause you to lose everything you worked so hard for.

The Art of Negotiations teaches you how to successfully negotiate not just in your business life but also in your personal one. With its step-by-step approach built on a lifetime of experience, this book will teach you how to get what you want without getting.

High Impact Managers

Course Description

There is an imbalance in the business world. Industry leaders have been hiring less diverse talent to manage their companies because they believe that they are less risky, but this is false.

Inclusive leadership is much more favorable than exclusive leadership because it generates higher engagement rates and higher productivity.

High Impact Managers Bridges the gap between inclusive and exclusive leadership by providing inclusive leadership consulting services to businesses and organizations across the globe.

Sales Excellence Advancement Program (SEAP)

Course Description

A successful sales manager’s job is to provide clear direction and support to his/her team enabling them to excel and develop to reach their full potential. Sales managers often rise to this position from a successful career in sales. But the skills required of a successful sales manager are quite different than the skills of a salesperson which is one of the key points that this program will be focusing on. This program focusses on key aspect of taking leadership role in the organization and to ensure that the team are performing at high value.

This program enables delegates to have a clear understanding of the successful sales manager’s responsibilities and how to become more effective in their roles in this challenging competitive business environment of today. Over the period of the course delegates will explore key leadership skills as well as the essential sales managerial skills needed for them to effectively forecast and implement effective sales plans, motivate, monitor, and evaluate the performance of their people and provide the required direction, communication with impact and support ensuring measurable sales results from their sales teams.

In this program delegates will learn how to manage crise management where they are able to deal with disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm the day-to-day job such as the pandemic. This program is not just a two-day training but also a program that will emphasis on the job training and coaching. It is not completed to have a training program that after the training the candidate have forgotten that. This program has additional six hours of coaching on the job that will be broken down subsequently.

Professional Selling Skills

Course Description

Many salespeople fall into the trap of talking too much. They just can’t wait to tell customers all about the features or benefits their product/service will bring or how great their company is without first understanding the needs and desires of the customer which is not the best approach to selling. This two-day extensive sales training program will guide participants towards uncovering the “Right” skill set, and mind set a professional sales person should possess. From controlling conversations with customers to asking the right questions to uncover customer’s needs, this program will enhance sales staff’s ability to connect better with customers, overcome objections and close the sale confidently and effectively delivering commercial and sales objectives.

Powerful sales questioning technique:
The core of this program teaches a more effective and more professional sales approach that primarily depends on asking a series of questions in a specific order that will enable you to find out your customer needs and not only uncover problems, but also ask questions that make the customer realize that the problem he has been chugging along with comfortably is now too big to ignore.

Selling to different personality types:
Moreover, many salespeople also have a single, preferred style of selling and find it difficult to sell to different types of buyers. They use a strategy of making friends with customers and while this works sometimes, there are certainly buyers out there who just don’t like this approach at all.

Part of this program will focus around dealing with different personalities of buyers and how taking this into consideration and adopting a slightly different approach with each customer will help you be more successful and closer more sales.

Critical of Team Management (COTM)

Course Description

Team management is important and it is an integral part of managing a business. However, with so many things to manage and so much to do, how can you make sure that you are doing what is needed to make your business successful?

No matter how hard you try, it’s just impossible to be everywhere at the same time. You are unable to lead fully which leads to poor team morale and low productivity. You need to find a way to cut down on the workload!

Before deciding not being able to cut down on the workload, you should give ourselves a break for a second. What if there was a way for you to delegate tasks, take care of all your time.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Course Description

Communicating is hard-it’s time consuming as young managers, delves deep into our comfort zones, and fills us with doubt.

Young leaders today live in a fast-paced world of texting and 140-character thoughts. It’s difficult to find a way to convey an entire idea in an honest, natural way.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling for young leaders breaks down the walls between them and their audience. It provides young leaders with the tools needed to extend their voice online and offline, in-person and on social media. It allows the young manager to work on some of the key troubles they face such as:

  1. Positive communications at work.
  2. The art of resolving conflict.
  3. Presentation and public speaking skills.
  4. Influencing as a leader.


From speech crafting to body language to handling difficult conversations, breaking the glass ceiling for young leaders helps them create personal connections with their audience.

How to secure your First paid Client

Course Description

Networking, cold-calling and emailing have become challenging. It seems like there are more and more people who are reluctant to meet with you or share their contact information.

It’s hard enough to start a business, but you’re left feeling frustrated because you don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to do with your time, how to get in touch with potential clients, or how to close the deal and secure a first client

A good place to start is by offering your services for free. Offer your services for free by reaching out to friends, family, and contacts again. Then, offer your services for free in local forums and on sites like Craigslist or Gumtree. Or, go back to the basics—start with networking events and networking websites like LinkedIn and Meetup. 


Course Description

It promotes healthy employee relationships and empowers your colleagues to collaborate and work as a team more effectively to collectively meet your company’s goals, targets, and KPIs.

Presentation Skills

Course Description

The ability to present your ideas confidently and persuasively is the single greatest skill you can learn to succeed in a globally competitive world. Here are the best Presentation Skills Training courses to you to help you achieve this.

Essential Public Speaking

Course Description

The easiest way to improve your public speaking. Practice with interactive exercises and get feedback on your performance. This course gives you the tools and techniques to successfully deliver a presentation, pitch or speech whenever you want.

Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Success

Course Description

Imagine walking into a networking event knowing exactly what to do and who to talk with. Imagine knowing how to really connect with somebody in a natural, authentic way. Imagine being able to lead a conversation and have that person walk away liking and trusting you.

English for Career Development

Course Description

This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process in the United States, while comparing and contrasting the same process in your home country.

Emotional Intelligence

Course Description

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a key soft skill to learn how to manage your emotions as well as those of other people, which can play a major role in workplace interactions, especially in avoiding misunderstandings. The better you understand yourself and those around you, the better you’ll be able to manage your relationships.

How to Give Feedback

Course Description

Learn techniques for delivering feedback to stimulate performance and encourage improvement. Essential tips for giving feedback, including the purpose of feedback, why feedback should never be a surprise, and why feedback shouldn’t be persona.

Active Listening Skills

Course Description

Learn techniques for delivering feedback to stimulate performance and encourage improvement. Essential tips for giving feedback, including the purpose of feedback, why feedback should never be a surprise, and why feedback shouldn’t be persona.

Managing Workplace Stress

Course Description

Learn techniques for delivering feedback to stimulate performance and encourage improvement. Essential tips for giving feedback, including the purpose of feedback, why feedback should never be a surprise, and why feedback shouldn’t be persona.

Presenting with Confidence

Course Description

This course will teach you techniques you need to present with confidence whether you’re dealing with audiences, stakeholders, or colleagues. Covering necessary concepts that you’ll need to present with confidence whether you’re in charge of your next virtual meeting, facilitating a hybrid session, or making an impact in person

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Course Description

Sometimes conflict can be healthy, but often it ends up having negative consequences for your employees and organization – that’s why conflict resolution skills are essential.

Decision Making

Course Description

Some people lack the confidence to make decisions, while many simply want to avoid making them at all. Both of these ineffective approaches are incredibly harmful to organizations. Where a learned process is lacking, fear of failure is rarely far behind.

Workplace Mental Health

Course Description

Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains. Mental health is something we all possess. When it is good, we have a sense of purpose and direction and feel that we can cope with whatever life (and work) throws at us. But just as our physical health fluctuates, so too our mental health goes through ups and downs. Raising awareness of potential mental health issues in the workplace is part of fostering an inclusive workplace, where people feel able to bring their whole selves to work.

Strategic Planning and Execution

Course Description

Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains. Mental health is something we all possess. When it is good, we have a sense of purpose and direction and feel that we can cope with whatever life (and work) throws at us. But just as our physical health fluctuates, so too our mental health goes through ups and downs. Raising awareness of potential mental health issues in the workplace is part of fostering an inclusive workplace, where people feel able to bring their whole selves to work.

Finance For Non Finance People

Course Description

The Finance for Non-financial People is design for manager and executives to help them learn basic principle in accounting and finance and to better understand the financial aspects of business decisions. Many operating managers have had limited exposure to financial data, are afraid of financial statements and need to know more about this important business function. This course aims to provide the participants a general knowledge about business finance.

Corporate Financial Management

Course Description

The Finance for Non-financial People is design for manager and executives to help them learn basic principle in accounting and finance and to better understand the financial aspects of business decisions. Many operating managers have had limited exposure to financial data, are afraid of financial statements and need to know more about this important business function. This course aims to provide the participants a general knowledge about business finance.

Business Etiquette and Professional Grooming

Course Description

Today, to be able to get ahead is not merely the knowledge and skill to do the job but the add-on-values. These are intangibles which must be there in order for clients or customers to appreciate the business transactions. Some of these values are embedded in business etiquette and our grooming.

This would be the culmination of how we prepared ourselves. For the professional, body language is of significant importance, then, the way we are attired

Clerical & Administration Excellence

Course Description

Just as a physical body requires different organs to function well, so is it with all organisations. Clerical and administration functions play a great role as the gatekeeper of the organisation. From the first point of contact at the reception to the back-end office, each administrative staff is contributing with responsibility to the functionality, sustainability and growth of the organization with proficient administrative skills.

Motivation For Higher Productivity

Course Description

All of us yearn to be more productive and to excel in the work that we do. Most of the time, we know what to do but we falter at other times. In order to refresh our original intention, we need to be guided. There are principles that we must abide to in order to pave our passage of excellence since excellence is not a destination, it is a way of life.

Positive Thinking for Professionals

Course Description

A good Positive Mindset coupled with good self-management in your everyday life is essential for maintaining your happiness and general wellness. It can improve your performance, thinking, immune function, and productivity.

Behavioural Interview & Hiring Techniques

Course Description

Becoming known for having an “eye for talent” is one of the most sought-after management skills in any industry today. But don’t be fooled — managers who hire the best people aren’t born with the ability to spot talent! They just know the secrets of great interviewing!

Conducting Domestic Inquiry (DI)

Course Description

This programme is designed to familiarise participants on the do and don’t in conducting a Domestic Inquiry and the procedures that has to be adhered in conducting a Domestic Inquiry. The course will include a presentation on the concept, processes, roles and responsibilities in conducting a Domestic Inquiry. Also, the participants would be given an opportunity to participate in a mock Domestic Inquiry where they would be able to experience various roles such as Chairman, Panel Member, Prosecutor and Accused.

Managing Poor Performance & Developing Performance Improvement Plan ( PIP)

Course Description

A performance improvement plan (PIP), also known as a performance action plan, is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. It may be used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to ameliorate behavior-related concerns.

Creating Super Secretaries

Course Description

A performance improvement plan (PIP), also known as a performance action plan, is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. It may be used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to ameliorate behavior-related concerns.

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