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Malaysia HR Forum Facebook Update – 2023-02-03T09:00:07+0000

⚡What are the safe steps to terminate employees with disciplinary issues?
⚡Obtain sample policy and templates. What is Domestic Inquiry (DI) important?
⚡ When should a DI be done? What are the basic steps in a DI?
⚡ Who is involved in a DI ?

Learn more in our February FREE Webinar and you will learn on:
✔ Expectation of the law in terminating an employee
✔ Consequences of improper/wrongful termination
✔ Steps to terminate an employee safely
✔ Basics of Domestic Inquiry (DI) and many more

Limited seats available. Sign up today!

Date: 10 February 2023 (Friday)
Time : 3pm-5pm

📌Register now! http://malaysiahrforum.com/our-webinars/handling-misconducts-carrying-out-domestic-inquiry-di/#form
📌FB Event Page https://fb.me/e/4drS9c1ZK

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