Upskilling Programme: Marketing Made Simple

This 1-day workshop aims to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge required to Set Up, Speed Up, Scale Up and transform their sales performance. Understand the landscape, create a plan, build digital trust, enhance brand and lead generation, and optimise sales techniques, with a focus on real-world businesses and the 50-40-10 matrix.

Programme Details

Date: 18 July 2024
Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Admission Price:RM60 (certification & meal)
: Maverick Foo


Malaysia HR Forum Academy
Level 12, Menara PKNS, Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
46050, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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About The Trainer

Maverick Foo

Maverick, once considered one of the worst salespeople, experienced a defining moment when a business leader at the largest insurance company criticised his abilities. This pivotal event shifted the trajectory of Maverick Foo’s life. Over 22 years ago, he resolved to transform his weaknesses into strengths, focusing on marketing and sales enablement.

Maverick’s journey has been remarkable. Not only has he built nine successful businesses and international brands, but he has also guided clients towards breakthrough growth—even during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. His pioneering work in webinar marketing frameworks has not only solidified brand positioning and generated leads but also facilitated sales conversions during financial crises.

When you engage with Maverick, expect more than just dry textbooks and theoretical concepts. In his sessions, whether keynotes, workshops, or online masterminds, he delivers practical techniques, proven strategies, quick-fire tips, insightful case studies, and a touch of humour and storytelling.